A podcast saved my life

Season 3 of the Adventure Calls podcast launches next week, and if you read the post called How I Got Here: The Evolution of My Dreams, you’ll know that I started two other podcasts in the last decade before getting to this point. Both were about telling stories of the impact of living abroad in the lives of incredible Americans.

What I managed to avoid talking about was WHY podcasting has always been so important to me.

Podcasts saved my life

Back in 2011, I had been a digital nomad for a year and an expat for 11 years total already. In some ways, I was a wild animal who did as she pleased. In other ways, I was very alone in the world because even my closest friends held very different world views than me. And how could they not have different views to me (and such similar views to each other).

Living as an expat had long since liberated me from the notions of normalcy. The obvious path - grow up, go to college, get a good job, get married, have kids, and retire - was set among thousands of other ways to live, based on the people I met on the road, who had gone against the grain and lived entirely different lives to that.

Those people had impacted me so deeply, living their lives on boats crossing the Pacific Ocean or in vans driving from Alaska to Argentina, or backpacking on buses around the world.

The thing is, almost all of them were broke.

I didn’t know they were broke, because i had always had been, too. But I lived by the skin of my teeth, blind to a world of success I had never considered an option. I knew so little in that regard that I was starting a business but had never heard the word ‘entrepreneur’. I had dreams, but no one to show me they were possible. And most importantly, I wanted to achieve an inner calm, but didn’t have any idea that was even a thing people actually achieved.

And then I discovered podcasts.

Successful people achieving greatness were suddenly piped into my ears, revealing assumptions about the way life could be that existed outside any concept that I, or any of my people had ever known.

I started with the Smart Passive Income podcast with Pat Flynn, and an oldie called Internet Business Mastery. There was Entrepreneur On Fire, too. I discovered that my dreams were achievable, as long as there were goals attached.

Most important of all was the Tara Brach podcast. She became my spiritual guide, a gateway to meditation, and the permission to walk a journey to healing I never knew possible.

These were private conversations, for my ears only. I didn’t have to watch them like TV shows with anyone else on the couch. I could listen in my down time, doing dishes, working out, dreaming bigger than I ever thought possible.


Ever since that time in my life, I’ve never stopped consuming podcasts. And I’ve also never stopped wanting to create them.

I started Break Free in 2011 and the Postnomadic Project in 2017.

I learned so much from both - what worked and what absolutely didn’t. When I launched Adventure Calls in 2020, I knew one thing: I was never going to the let this show go. We can see how it evolves, how it changes, but I finally know my mission.

It is my mission to give you exactly what you need to get inspired, get informed and get moving on the international lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of. I know the power of podcasts, and I use this power to bring your awareness to insanely inspiring folx like…

  • Libryia Jones: the Remote Work Queen who will free you from your 9-to-5 j-o-b.

  • Traveler Charley: a non-binary queer Latinx finance coach that will help you take your financial power back and live anywhere you want in the world.

    Travis and David from Cafe Con Leche Travels: the couple who shows you just how easy it is for a queer, interracial vegan couple to live a life of fulfilling adventure in Mexico.

And just wait until you see what Season 3 is about to bring! You’ll see that…

Living abroad is life-changing.

Living abroad is life-defining.

Living abroad is life-enhancing.

Living abroad is 100% doable.

In fact, it is the MOST accomplishable of the huge dreams you might have. Want to be a millionaire? That takes years of hard work (doable, but takes time).

A rockstar? We’re talking 10,000 hours of banging away on your guitar.No matter what is stopping you emotionally, mentally, even practically, from following your call to adventure, Season 3 is meant to be something that you listen to with your headphones in, focused on yourself and your dreams.

Want to live in a Spanish village on the beach and drink wine and eat tapas looking out at the ocean?Well now that’s something you can accomplish by next spring! (you can start with this post on How To Move To Spain in 2022)

Here’s to getting real about big dreams.
Follow the Adventure Calls podcast anywhere you listen to podcasts and get ready for Season 3 launching next week!

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